Harvard University
de la lengua española y las culturas hispánicas en los Estados Unidos
A collaboration between:
Harvard University Harvard University

The Cervantes Institute at Harvard University has been established as the “Observatory of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures in the United States.” The Observatory aims to be an international point of reference for the study, prospective analysis and diagnosis of the state of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures in the United States, with particular attention to their social and linguistic evolution.

Instituto CervantesHarvard University

The Cervantes Institute at Harvard University organizes the symposium “Reshaping Hispanic Cultures” and invites researchers who are beginning their professional career to submit papers to share with the academic community. This invitation is extended to students, professors, and to anyone interested in the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures.


Observatorio de la lengua española y las culturas hispánicas en los Estados Unidos
Harvard University
2 Arrow St. 4th fl.
Cambridge, MA 02138


May 19-20, 2017

Languages of the Symposium:

English and Spanish

